
Bokonton now owns a star! More info here.

It is in the house of Sagittarius, which is seen as highly auspicious- it is the house the Queen was born under.

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Bokonton Star

Registered by BoK Government Stellar Department

This star is dedicated to Bokonton, the mighty micronational state. It is a stellar-annexe of Bokonton, a nation mostly encompassed by the surrounding British countryside ,though other annexe states exist elsewhere.

Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)Star Catalogue: 122206


Right Ascention: 17H 15m 5.66s   Declination: 2° 39m 3.04s

Spectral Type: Ma 

Magnitude: 9.5

Hemisphere: Northern

Astrological House: Sagittarius, the Archer

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