About the Bokontonian Trade and Goods Service

As some micronationalists are painfully aware, it's very hard to find people willing to manufacture and supply you with the bits and bobs that you'd ideally like to have for your micronation. It's all very well for a site to offer custom awards for a 1000 minimum, but that's not practical for the everyday micronationalist. And neither are certain bespoke companies that 'tailor to micronations'... Paying almost £100 for  a single passport isn't practical either.

Big companies aren't practical for the budding micronationalist... But neither are many specialist companies.

So, how are you meant to do right by your country? Bokonton have decided to take the route-less-travelled, and we have opted to make many things ourselves rather than needlessly outsourcing many products. Not only does this increase sustainability, we can trust what we make and improve our own economy in the process. However, not everyone is blessed with design or practicality skills, with useful and enthusiastic Citizens or the resources to make such things themselves.

We think we have the solution to both problems- micronational goods made by micronations.

All of the below products have been made within Bokonton's borders, and you can be sure that we possess and use the same things ourselves in one form or another. These products include sashes, awards, rosettes, small flags, passports and design services (website design depends on hosting service used).

Postage will vary depending on the item and location.


As many micronations do not have a fully developed and well-circulated currency, some have turned to a trade-based system which many hope to extend to trade between micronations. Unfortunately, not many micronations can offer unique products, and so this system is largely limited. We are proud to offer out unique products and are completely open to offers of micronational trade.

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