These are a list of our various regulations for Citizenship and Entry.

 Passport Regulations

No citizensof the U.K are required to show their passport at the Bokonton Border, nor are citizens of:

Austalia,  France, Isle of Wight or any whitelisted micronations.

All other Nations(and micronations) are subject to the Customs laws (2009).

Extra Information: 

If you have any queries regarding Imports, Entry or Citizenship, please contact the HRMCE Minister at 


There are very few customs and regulation formalities at the entry point to Bokonton, but there are some requirements for a visa. These are formally obtained by gaining the trust of the head state, and are issued at a citizen's discretion. 

Only citizens that have residency can issue visas, but at present only Her Majesty can issue the appropriate documents and stamps for your passport. Visas need not be a physical document, unless requested.


These items can be imported into Bokonton Duty Free:

Up to 2st worth of (assorted) gifts

Under 18s may import 2.5st of assorted gifts

Outlawed Items 

The following items are outlawed under Bokontonian law:

Ammunition (excepting Blanks,Paintballs, BB ammo and Marshmallow ammo), any comsumer items purchased by-or authorised by- Primark, Alchohol of any kind (without a written order), Instant coffee, Diet drinks of any kind, Firearms, Binoculars, explosives stronger than 5 Explontons( 5 Cherrybombs), and drugs. Tobacco is a Class A substance .

Residency and Citizenship Info

As of 2008 Bokonton was open to new citizens, although Citizens are still subject to the same Passport Regulations as the U.K Unless they are Residents. We are currently NOT accepting any (permanent) residents, with the exception of the temporary residency that comes with staying at the Royal Hotel.

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